Author Archives: Ted Triplett

Show Management That With the Right Tools Your Bank Can Accurately Measure Retention

Most senior management teams believe their bank has an attrition problem. Their assumption, however, generally...

Analytics: Your Next Best Thing to a Crystal Ball

In today’s competitive environment, it’s important for banks to maintain and grow customer relationships in...

An Integrated Strategy Optimizes Customers’ Lifetime Value

When it comes to maintaining and growing customer relationships, too many banks are failing to...

One Answer to Retention is Right in Front of You

With the uncertainty that lingers from the financial crisis fallout, banks continue to face the...

Customers Would Pay More —if Banks Would Find Out What They Really Want

It’s no secret that banks are being forced to deal with new government regulations. They’re...

Why Pre-Boarding is Essential to Attracting and Keeping Profitable Customers

It’s been long recognized that checking accounts are the workhorse of retail banking and create...

Re-Invent Your Customer Relationships with Business Analytics

If you’re over 40, you probably remember how banking used to be. Going with your...

Turn Complaints into Opportunities—and Save a Customer or Two

One of the sure signs of a bad or declining relationship is the absences of...